About Earth Tag

Earth Tag is not just a non-government organization, but Malaysia’s first community international certification standard as well.

A Brief Introduction to Earth Tag

Earth Tag is not just a non-government organization, but Malaysia’s first community international certification standard as well. To help consumers recognise “real organic”, a group of people established a set of local standards compliant with IFOAM-International standards, carrying out strict review and certification of organic farmers and going through the first stage of verification on the behalf of consumers. Not only does it serve as the proof that genuine organic farmers need; it also promotes the organic development of our country.

Apart from organic certifications, Earth Tag is also the first organisation in the world to establish “Eco-care Potted Plant” and “Eco Nursery” certifications.
The “Eco-care Potted Plant” certificate reviews ornamental plants and herbs to ensure that no chemical pesticides are used during the planting process;
While the “Eco Nursery” certification ensures that no toxic pesticides or herbicides are used by plant nurseries so as to protect the health of consumers, employees, and children.

Earth Tag Certification

Earth Tag Organic Certification

Earth Tag Eco-care Potted Plant Certification

Earth Tag Eco Nursery Certification

Together, We Help Malaysia Organic Grow!



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